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Dorset Blue Vinny Recipes


Here's a selection of delicious recipes made using Dorset Blue Vinny Cheese. They're all simple, tasty and easy to make at home. 


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Dorset Blue Vinny Brownies

You have to try it to believe it... these Dorset Blue Vinny Brownies created by David Armstrong at Burnt Squash Cookhouse & Kitchen are utterly devine!

Dorset Blue Vinny Savoury Muffins

Dorset Blue Vinny & Salami Savoury Muffins

Made with The Real Cure's Dorset Blue Vinny & Fig Salami, these little muffins are great lunch box fillers or a perfect for a cheesy treat for yourself!

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Dorset Blue Vinny & Cavolo Nero Tart

Created by Yana from @RealityCanvas this recipe is definitely a popular one- simple, easy and completely delicious!

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Dorset Blue Vinny, Broccoli & Chicken Pasta Bake

This recipe was created by the wonderful Washingpool Farm!

It's the perfect dish to feed the family!

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Dorset Blue Vinny Stuffed Mushrooms

Perfect as a side or have a few as your main meal- delicious!

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Pasta with Dorset Blue Vinny & Walnuts

This recipe is as easy as.. well.. pasta!

A quick and delicious way to get your daily dose of Dorset Blue Vinny.

Dorset Blue Vinny & Woodbridge Chutney T

Dorset Blue Vinny Toasties

A pair of delicious toasties, sure to give you some lunchtime inspiration. Dorset Blue Vinny & Pear OR Dorset Blue Vinny & Woodbridge Chutney... which one takes your fancy?

Dorset Blue Vinny Cheese Twists

Dorset Blue Vinny Cheese Twists

The perfect snack or great nibbles for parties!! Give this simple yet tasty recipe a go.

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Double Baked Blue Cheese, Bacon & Walnut Soufflé

This recipe was created by Philippa Davies for The Field Magazine.

This delicious souffle is the perfect savoury treat!

Leek, Potato & Blue Soup- Dorset Blue So

Leek, Potato & Blue Soup

This is a go-to recipe for those cold winter evenings!

Heat some oil in a large pan, add your onion, potatoes & leeks, cook for 3-4 minutes...

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Ribeye Steak with Dorset Blue Vinny

Looking for a way to jazz up your steak, look no further, we have just what you're looking for!


Dorset Blue Vinny Crostini with Woodbridge Chutney

A perfectly simple but delicious canape or great to serve as a starter.

Dorset Blue Vinny Potato Gratin

Potato Gratin with Dorset Blue Vinny

This is our take on the classic potato gratin (aka dauphinoise potatoes).
It's easy to do and full of flavour! Great as a side or perfect as a main alongside some seasonal vegetable or a fresh salad. Great for the family too!

Dorset Blue Vinny Tagliatelle

Tagliatelle with Dorset Blue Vinny, Mushrooms & Smoked Garlic

The lovely Lizi from A Year in Dinners has very kindly sent us this recipe.
It's simple yet utterly delicious. Perfect for a cozy night in or to wow your guests at your next dinner party.
Go on, give it a go!

Dorset Blue Vinny & Pear Toastie


We have created a delicious collection of Dorset Blue Vinny sandwich recipes for #SandwichWeek.

Jazz up your lunch with some of these!

Dorset Blue Vinny Pancakes

Pancakes with Dorset Blue Vinny, Bacon & Honey

Fed up of putting sugar & lemon on your pancake? Why not try something a bit different and try these?

Mushroom, Leek & Dorset Blue Vinny Soup

Mushroom, Leek & Dorset Blue Vinny Soup

Start by roughly chopping your leeks & garlic. Put in large pan over a medium...

If you know of a great Dorset Blue Vinny recipe that you'd like to share with us, send us an email- we might even feature it on this page!!

Dorset Blue Vinny

Woodbridge Farm,

Sturminster Newton,

DT10 2BD

01963 23133

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